Vi har valpeplaner denne våren, sjekk ut valpesiden for mer info, eller ta kontakt.
Ari vant Cert og Best i rasen i Vestnes
04.05.24 gjennomførte Ari MH test. Hun har nå kjent mental status, testen gikk fint. Stødig frøken som er sosial, avreagerer raskt og har lite vokt i seg, det ble skutt 4 skudd. Hun var helt uberørt, 100% skuddfast. Resultatet kommer i Dogweb etter hvert.
Fine Vilje fra vårt første MAS-kull har startet sin offisielle agility karriere, Elisabeth og Vilje trener mye og er et supert team, gratulerer med kjempe fine resultater så langt! Du gjør en super jobb med Vilje, Elisabeth.
Ari og Ester
18-19.11.23 we attended a show in Järpen, Sweden with Ester (Majan's Vendela). Swedish Spaniel and Retriever Club arranged the show and she gained her first CAC and she got BOS. 29 Labradors entered. So proud of her.
Also happy to announce that Ester and Ari have passed their health checks with best results! Waiting for some DNA test results.
Also happy to announce that Ester and Ari have passed their health checks with best results! Waiting for some DNA test results.
WOW, what an honour and achievement: NO Ch Am GCh Tiny Amigo's King Kong won the award Stud Dog of the year 2023 by the American Breed Club MBTCA. Thank you, to Sandy Lindstedt (kennel Triumph) and all owners of Neo's puppies for making this possible.
NO CH EST CH Tiny Amigo's Moonlight Sparkle
NO US Ch Tiny Amigo's King Kong TKN keeps doing good in the showrings in USA.
Apple Valley Kennel Club 09-11-04-21
Friday: Select, Saturday: BOS and Sunday: BOB!!! Amazing! Around 17 entered in the breed each day!
Thank you, so much Sandy Lindstedt, kennel Triumph.
Apple Valley Kennel Club 09-11-04-21
Friday: Select, Saturday: BOS and Sunday: BOB!!! Amazing! Around 17 entered in the breed each day!
Thank you, so much Sandy Lindstedt, kennel Triumph.
Tiny Amigo's My Precious At Boannaden is enjoying life in Scotland with her owners Brenda, Steve and their dogs. She has qualified for Crufts 2020.
CIB BeNeLuxW-17 AmsW-16 Nw-16 Njw-14 Nordjw-14 Nordw-14 Nord No Se Fi Lux CH Tiny Amigo's I Am Legend with our friend Sophie De Beer, kennel Groovy Little Velvets in Holland.
Miniatyr Bull Terrier, Miniature Bull Terrier, Miniatyr Bullterrier, Miniature Bullterrier, Mini Bull, MAS, Miniature American Shepherd, oppdretter Norge